Florida Yards

Florida-friendly Intractive Yard

  • Client: FusionSpark Media
  • End Client: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • Project: Flash Interactive
  • Description: Interactive demonstrating low-impace landscaping practices
  • Services: Flash module, ActionScript, Illustration

The interacrive module is designed to familiarize users with landscaping that are leaset damaging to Florida's unique ecosystem. The visitor is invited to landscape a virtual yard using a varitey of plants, in th eprocess discovering which ones put a strain on the environment and which are "Florida-friendly".

The interface allows users to choose a planting bed, and simply drag-and drop to add plant choices from the tool shed. Each plant has a corresponding information panel with characteristics of the plant and its suitablity for various conditions.

The end result is shown not only in plan view, but in before and after illustrations of the front and back yards. The advantages of other porctices, such as composting and low-impact irrigation systems, are also demonstrated.